Some things you need to know before getting started.
Find out what motivates your dog. Praise. Food. or Toys. These put your dog in a dopamine state and increase their ability to learn.
Engaging a dog with treats teaches them how to focus on their pack leader.
A training slip collar is needed to correct unwanted behaviour.
Stubborn dogs require increased repetition during training.
Obedience depends on a dogs trust and respect for their pack leader.
A training box promotes focus by keeping dogs away from scent distractions on the ground.
Praise is a powerful motivator for most dogs.
Correction must occur within two seconds to have an effect.
Agility work builds trust between a dog and their handler.
Unfamiliar objects can trigger fear-based aggression. Exposure to these objects helps keep the dog calm in social settings.
Fear based aggression can be reduced by desensitising the dog to strangers.
Repeating commands diminishes respect for the pack leader.
A release or ‘break’ command lets the dog know they’re done working.
Hand-feeding increases the value of food during training.
Avoid crouching during training to help convey pack leadership.
To issue a proper correction, say ‘no’ while pulling up on the leash.
Putting away excess toys will raise their value when used as a reward during training.
A harness makes it difficult to communicate corrections through the leash.
Never repeat a command, if your dog doesn’t listen say ‘no’.